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3 Offbeat Ways of Managing Remote Teams and Processes

Business management
remote team management

Current quarantine ongoing shows how companies are struggling to manage remote teams and their workflows. It may seem difficult or impossible to manage team members when working from home. 

Yet, new technologies and novel approaches make it possible. You can be effective even when not being present in the same office space and try to use business transcription to make remote team calls more effective.

You may be unsure of how to use agile approaches in the remote workplace. So, these are three ways to get you started with the new perspectives in mind.

1. Manage Employee Burnout

There are a few people who may enjoy working from home but it’s not uncommon to feel burned out after a few days. After all, even the most motivated employee may struggle with feeling disconnected. When this happens, it’s time to take a step back and use crisis management. Also, it is a team-building approach to eliminate these feelings. 

Consider ways that employees or remote teams can feel more connected with each other. For example, an employee virtual happy hour is one method that teams have been using. As they talk through online means, they’ll feel the power of human connection. 

Consider ways that employees or remote teams can feel more connected with each other. For example, an employee virtual happy hour is one method that teams have been using. As they talk through online means, they’ll feel the power of human connection. 

Other ideas can be more work-related. For example, taking part in an online educational opportunity like a podcast in your relevant field or a workshop is a great way to maintain teams. These events are only going to be effective if they’re taking place at the same time. Look for these and other ways to limit or prevent employee burnout. 

2. Explore New Approaches For Worker Management

Work doesn’t stop just because your employees can’t get into the office. This means that your team will have to develop new methods. It is needed to maintain a cohesive workgroup and complete tasks on time. There are a number of platforms that can be used for agile worker management approaches. 

One great option is Kanbanchi. This is a cost-effective agile project management and collaboration tool. It is made for G Suite users and teams. It’s great when you have remote teams who need to work together. Instead of using a combination of email, texting, and more, all of these tasks can be completed on one simple platform. 

Agile project management tool by G Suites users.

The kanban board can be used to build a transparent workflow. Also, for managing remote employees can use this to collaborate on tasks. Plan projects easily and control their progress. This task management app is a great tool for companies to consider. 

3. Managing remote employees in a safe workplace

Have you ever considered that many of the ideas developed for the workplace were thought of outside of it? Instead of thinking about this time period as time lost, it may be more helpful to focus on the positives , such as the opportunity for balancing remote work and fostering professional growth. 

This is a time when employee management could actually take the extra time and space to grow. It may be helpful if you ask your employees to use this time to develop new projects. Also, it is good to think of concepts that may be helpful in the workplace. 

If your employees are struggling with this task, consider giving them some guided help. Consider some of the major challenges and problems facing your workplace today. Provide them with a list or summary of these problems and ask them to think big-picture. Allowing them this free reign gives them the ability to think on a larger scale. This may lead to benefits when employees are back in the workplace again. 

If you have the ability, consider giving employees an hour or two of the workday to work on growth. Ideally, this should be growth related to their remote transcription jobs and career. Having this freedom may allow workers to grow and create more. Especially after the quarantine is over. 

Use New Ideas For The Growth Of Remote Teams

Regardless of how your workplace decides to take this time. You need to consider the possibility that this could be a “reset” for the office. Also, it can end up being a great thing in the future. Employees may see this as a time of hardship. But it presents new opportunities to develop fluidity and growth. 

Sometimes managing employees are coming up with new ideas. And you should consider using audio to text converter to make the process simple. Audext.com offers an automatic transcription software that’s easy to use and saves hours of time. 

audio to text converter

These ideas may not be your conventional ones for managing a remote workforce. However, they offer effective options for effective worker management and even growth in the coming weeks. Are you ready to give a try?

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Katrin Deres 04/24/2020
Katrin runs her own podcast show and is interested in the best ways to transcribe audio recordings into text.
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