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The Audext blog

Automatic audio transcription service provider brings you useful tips, trends and inspiring ideas on how to transcribe recordings easier.

The Hidden Skills Of A Skilled Transcriptionists: Beyond Just Typing

The Hidden Skills Of A Skilled Transcriptionists: Beyond Just Typing

Transcription may seem straightforward to convert spoken words into written text, but it’s much more than that. The role of a skilled transcriptionist encompasses an array of hidden skills that […]

Read more by Katrin Deres | 05/29/2024
Customer Obsession: The Secret to Building a Brand People Love

Customer Obsession: The Secret to Building a Brand People Love

Report shows companies that have adopted customer obsession witnessed 2x revenue, profitability growth and higher customer retention. Customer obsession is a customer-centric approach where the customer’s needs, desires and satisfaction […]

Read more by Katrin Deres | 04/30/2024
Storytelling Power: How to Capture Your Audience’s Heart with Words

Storytelling Power: How to Capture Your Audience’s Heart with Words

Understanding the Impact of Storytelling in Communication   Storytelling plays a crucial role in communication, bridging the gap between the speaker and the listener with its profound power. This timeless […]

Read more by Katrin Deres | 03/13/2024
Integrating SMART Goals into Your 2024 Business Strategy

Integrating SMART Goals into Your 2024 Business Strategy

Introduction: Understanding the Importance of SMART Goals in Business Strategy   Is your business strategy poised for success in 2024? The adoption of SMART goals could be the key. This […]

Read more by Katrin Deres | 02/19/2024
Exploring the Role of AI in the Transcription Process: How Does AI Fit into Transcription?

Exploring the Role of AI in the Transcription Process: How Does AI Fit into Transcription?

Understanding the Basics of Transcription and its Importance In today’s fast-paced digital world, transcription, turning audio and video content into text, is gaining becoming increasingly vital. Converting speech to written […]

Read more by Katrin Deres | 12/18/2023
Email Marketing: Best Practices That Drive Results

Email Marketing: Best Practices That Drive Results

Introduction: The Power of Email Marketing and Its Impact on Business Success Email marketing stands as a cornerstone of modern business strategy, wielding the power to transform prospects into loyal […]

Read more by Katrin Deres | 11/10/2023
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