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The Audext blog

Automatic audio transcription service provider brings you useful tips, trends and inspiring ideas on how to transcribe recordings easier.

Useful Interview Tips and Tricks Techniques for Taking Notes

Useful Interview Tips and Tricks Techniques for Taking Notes

Introduction Interviewing people can be a daunting task. It is important to remember that you are talking with real people and not just gathering information with your interview questions. You […]

Read more by Katrin Deres | 10/11/2022
Best Tips For Becoming a Successful Journalist

Best Tips For Becoming a Successful Journalist

One of the most rewarding professions is that of a journalist. Becoming a journalist is a dream of many people. If you have this dream and want to know how […]

Read more by Katrin Deres | 09/02/2022
How to Make a Great Webinar That Your Audience Will Enjoy

How to Make a Great Webinar That Your Audience Will Enjoy

Webinars are a great way to interact with your customers and prospects, share information, and promote your products and services. But if you’re new to setting up webinars, it can […]

Read more by Katrin Deres | 08/15/2022
The Best Way to Start a Podcast Website

The Best Way to Start a Podcast Website

Creating a podcast website is one of the most important things you can do for your show. People will listen to your episodes, and subscribe through your site. Audext has […]

Read more by Katrin Deres | 07/15/2022
5 Best Interview Questions To Ask In a Podcast

5 Best Interview Questions To Ask In a Podcast

Without solid and unique interview questions, you risk creating a boring atmosphere during a podcast interview session. Let’s face it; nobody likes boring questions. Not even the most pleasant, electrifying, […]

Read more by Katrin Deres | 05/17/2022
How to Work Remotely in 2022

How to Work Remotely in 2022

Remote working continues to be the daily trend as companies now allow their employees a more comfortable and flexible working environment from their homes. Adapting to this change can be […]

Read more by Katrin Deres | 01/15/2022
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